Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Your Weekly Update: Milestones

Our unofficial research shows that for most of us, family ranks at or near the top of our priority list. Higher than our occupation, our business, our money… and most anything else.

So it is for us at JL Davis, too. And in this week’s Update, we take a look at family through the lens of Lee and Kathy’s anniversary last week, among other things.

Of course we’ll also examine recent market activity—which has been quite interesting the last few days, to say the least.

All the best,
Lee and Jeremy

Quote of the Week
“ You don't choose your family. They are God's gift to you, as you are to them.”
--Desmond Tutu

JL Davis Thoughts This Week

Those who know the Davis clan well know we are generally a bit frugal , not given to much extravagance. So when we assembled for four days in the Florida Keys (and missed two and a half days of work!) at Lee and Kathy’s expense last week, even we were surprised.

The occasion was a wedding anniversary, a special milestone for Lee and Kathy that we wanted to celebrate as a family. And celebrate we did. Sea kayaks, plenty of pool time, nice meals and a little wine to boot. Even some golf was in order. The recently expanded Davis family of 10 had plenty of fun; it’s hard to say who had the most.

The time together was priceless—from little Eli’s toothless gaping smile to his sister Sloane’s six hour marathon in the pool, every moment was precious. Christy’s daughter Haley and son Dawson, both teenagers, managed to leave the electronics generally idle. Jeremy and Lee remarkably stayed away from the steady stream of financial news most of the weekend… at least until Sunday night. Kathy, Beth, Christy and Haley enjoyed a ladies spa morning together. A handful of Lee and Kathy’s friends for over 3 decades joined in a special dinner.

One of the most gratifying elements of our job as advisors is the opportunity to work with wonderful families. Each one is a treasure to us. We hang on every word when they share their stories, good, bad or indifferent. We love hearing about their milestones.

With the busy pace of daily life, it’s sometimes easy to overlook what’s truly important. The last few days were a wonderful reminder for us.
Bishop Desmond Tutu was right—family is truly a gift. We thank you for yours.

Lee and Jeremy

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